advanced diamond technology

If you’re having issues getting the Contact Form to work, please try the following:

Check that your host supports PHP. Please remember that Apple's MobileMe service (previously known as .Mac) does not support PHP and so the contact form will not work when published to the MobileMe service.

Check that the email address entered in the Page Inspector is correct. Ensure that there is no additional whitespace in the field and that the address uses only lowercase characters.

Make sure the XML declaration option is switched off. This can be found in the Prefix tab under the Header area of the Page Inspector.

If the contact form appears to be working but you are not receiving emails please check your hosting company's spam filtering policy.

Some servers require email to be sent from the owners email address for security reasons. If so, check the Page Inspector's 'Send email using your email address' checkbox.

If you are on a Windows server try checking 'Define email address in PHP mail script' within the Advanced Page Inspector settings.

Contact your host for advice. Ensure they are able to send an email from the server using PHP mail() and 'sendmail'. (To make it easy for you to figure this out, at the bottom of this page we've included an email you can send to your host in order to determine their setup.)

Troubleshooting the Contact Form:

If seeing error message "There has been a error when trying to send the email":
- There is a problem with your host's PHP setup. It may not be configured correctly to use the PHP mail() function either for security reasons or because they support another PHP mailing system. You should contact your host to determine the best way to fix this issue.

If when attempting to send, nothing happens, there are no errors or confirmation:
- The liklihood is that your host does not have PHP sessions enabled correctly. Sessions are simply a way of carrying information between webpages. RapidWeaver uses them for the confirmation messages as well as spam protection. Contact your host explaining that the PHP session on your contact form page is not working as it should. They will understand what this means and provide a solution.

If email appears to send correctly:
- The Contact Form script is working just fine and it is an issue either with the server not sending the email or a spam filter catching it.

Sample email to send to your host:


I am currently having trouble sending emails via a contact form on my webhost.

a) It would appear that everything is working just fine and the mail is sent yet I do not receive an email.


b) It would appear that the server is unable to send an email from my server using the PHP mail() function.

Would you be able to tell me whether I must do anything specific in order to send an email using your servers.

The PHP code relies on sendmail and the standard PHP mail() function to send the emails.


A RapidWeaver user.